Day 1 of legal weed in New York: the good and the bad (Guest column)

As we stood outside the doors of Housing Works early Thursday morning, the smell of cannabis was already in the air. After a brief wait, members of the press were ushered into the store – where it appeared much effort had gone into making the large space appear full.


A rack of T-shirts sat in one corner, with glass cases taking up most of the store perimeter. One with a keen eye for construction and interior remodeling could see that this particular job was still underway in some aspects, even with about a month’s notice to open the space and Housing Works’ healthy operating budget.

What was on those shelves led me to wonder where the $750 million dollars of product the OCM said existed in the NY market was exactly.

Sentiments of gratitude amongst the officials, board members and others rang loudly for a while, but no growers were given the podium to be seen as the champions they are, nor was their vitality applauded for contributions made to this effort of opening a legal market.
The underlying current in the morning’s press event felt strongly of the need to complete the promise made of opening the market before year’s end. Well, the deed is done, two days before the new year.

Charles King, the CEO of Housing Works, speaks to the press before the dispensaries grand opening on Dec. 29, 2022.

With an opening such as this, the magnitude that it holds over the entire industry and the work that has been done since the inception of the MRTA, a physical show of support from the mayor of New York City or the governor wouldn’t have been far-fetched. But they didn’t show. No ribbon cutting either.

Once the self-congratulations had come to an end, the dispensary engaged in the first ever legal transaction of cannabis here in NY.

Many colleagues have asked me over the last week who I thought would be the state’s first customer. Surely, the OCM and Housing Works staff would see this as an opportunity to show who the real customer base will be – the average New Yorker looking to try a product that is marketed as safe, tested, and grown in New York. NOPE.
The first sale went to OCM Executive Director Chris Alexander. I was not alone in feeling that this choice was calculated and stole the moment from those who had set up shop outside the dispensary since 8 a.m., hoping to be the one that got to purchase the first legal product.
I was also struck with the realization that one of the few brands available for purchase at the store, Florist Farms, is co-owned by Allan Gandelman, a member of the Cannabis Advisory Board.

A conflict of interest no matter its size should not be entertained or accepted when we are supposed to be creating a market of avoiding conflicts, repeating mistakes made by other states, and righting the wrongs of injustice.

Allan co-founded a 200-acre farm in Cortland, NY, and is the president of the state’s largest cannabis political tent pole group, known as CANY, after rebranding from the NY Cannabis Growers & Processors Association (that I am a dues-paying member of in full transparency). Allan also holds an active seat on the Cannabis Advisory Board, where decisions made affect the remainder of the industry.
I suppose it’s by sheer luck and good will that his products were the first sold at the only legal dispensary in New York State on day one.

Product selection overall was limited, and this was said ahead of time by Housing Works. I think six different brands were available for purchase. One of those brands was Lobo, and they have chosen to work with Erin Moylan from Fat Nell LLC to be a source for their products, like pre-rolls, blunts and more.

Fat Nell LLC is a fully women-owned, operated and grown cannabis brand out of Copake, NY. A wise move by Lobo, as from my understanding and brief time around Erin she seems to have put her best foot forward in her cultivation endeavors and smartly aligned herself with someone (Lobo) who knows how to brand and move product. I hope to hear and see more success stories like this as the market continues to develop over time.

Erin Moylan (right) of Fat Nell LLC, a women-owned cannabis brand in Copake, NY.

At one point while exiting the store to get fresh air and much-needed water, I came across a gentleman in tears standing near the only public exit of the store (that also acts as the sole entry point). The gentleman’s name was Mike Singh. He is a father on a mission, and a righteous one at that. His son, a good-mannered little dude with a smile that lights up a room, has battled cancer (leukemia) for quite some time. A battle I personally know all too well since I lost my brother to leukemia over ten years ago and currently tend to my father who has been battling cancer for over five years.

Singh showed up to the dispensary opening hoping that the governor herself would be there. He came in a polite fashion, prepared to speak about his experience taking care of his sick son and his concerns regarding the future of the state’s medical cannabis access.
He wanted his elected official to hear his voice and his opinion that if we can provide those with a criminal past a path forward for licensure in this new legal market, why can we not provide someone like his son with access to affordable cannabis as a natural medicine via the already existent medicinal cannabis marketplace in our state.
Like many other families that have suffered from battles with cancer, treatments that didn’t work and only caused worse side effects have taken a financial, physical and mental toll on Singh’s family. Personally, I agree with his perspective and his desire to have the right to give his son a natural medicine that can be dosed accurately. Singh also voiced that this type of access should be subsidized or made available at an affordable/low cost.
Singh and his son operate the King Fights Cancer Foundation, a 5013(c)3 nonprofit that is dedicated to supporting families that have a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
After lunch, a trip back to the Housing Works dispensary was in order to see the true scale of the public interest.

A line of several thousand people snakes around the block in NYC on Dec. 29, 2022, for the first cannabis dispensary opening.

While walking back, I passed through Washington Square Park, where dealers of illicit/grey market cannabis formed a circle around the central water fountain. Cannabis of all forms was for sale, along with psychedelic mushrooms for those looking to take a trip. As we neared the only current licensed dispensary, multiple smoke shops selling cannabis illegally were front and center, including one only a block away from Housing Works. Time will tell what will happen with these operators.

Illicit and grey-market vendors sell cannabis products openly in Washington Square Park on Dec. 29, 2022.

By the time 4:20 p.m. had rolled around signaling the official “public” opening of sales for New York State, more than 2,000 people had lined up at the Housing Works location.

Many of the industry personalities were already onsite to bear witness to the madness. The likes of Kristen Jordan, Jeffrey Hoffman, David Feder, Marco Pedone and more were seen walking alongside the endless line. When I spoke with Pedone, of Phyto-Farma Labs in Warwick NY, he had the following to say about today’s event “We are here to support the rest of the industry and to see all be successful in their endeavors.”
Pedone also pointed out that Phyto-Farma had personally tested the majority of products available at this dispensary, and that it took a lot of hard work to get to this point.
The line held more personality than the store or its offerings, however. It was a living, breathing, rich culture of personality existing within NYC on this one-block radius as the line wrapped around the building and back. There was no stigma and no judgements being made; cannabis was being smoked freely by common people with interests that aligned. I believe many were hopping in line because they saw others doing the same – the question of what the line was for seemed to be prevalent.

Peace was ever-present at this event and I did not witness a single altercation or incident that required security. Not even a shouting match. Everyone was happily mellow and excitement filled the air with a mixture of good and bad weed. I was a witness to history being made once again, at 4:20 p.m. on Dec. 29, 2022, when legal cannabis in New York State became legal for anyone over the age of 21 to buy.

Let the plant be consumed by all and enjoyed by many. Maybe now we can get some roads patched up in this state – my car has suffered enough.
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